Aroma Coffee House
Kishinev 1
Mon - Fri
08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 17:00
Beans - in-house roasted
Espresso bar only
Recommendation - cappuccino
Outdoor seating
Nuts and healthy foods
Aroma Coffee House is a chain with 3 stores around Sofia where you can buy and drink some great coffee. The beans are in-house roasted Arabicas.
This particular coffee shop is located on the corner of blvd. Cherni Vrah and str. Kishinev 1. Although the official address is on the side street, the actual entrance is on the boulevard in front.
Here you will find not only very well-prepared espresso drinks (try the cappuccino!) but also very friendly staff.
Across the entire chain, you can find not only coffee but a variety of teas, nuts, and other healthy foods.
This is not your typical café but it’s more close to an actual coffee shop. Meaning, you go there to buy coffee. It reminds me of the coffee shops from my childhood with the big difference that the coffee sold now is of much higher quality and stored better.
If you’re interested (and know Bulgarian) you can listen to this super interesting interview with Aroma Coffee’s owner - Georgi Gagov about the history of coffee in Bulgaria.
Other locations
Aroma Coffee House - blvd. Vardar, in front of bl. 38B